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Uploaded 14-Nov-07
Taken 13-Nov-07
Visitors 1440
9 of 25 photos

Potter Block (1975)

"Seedy" is the word that most people used to describe the Potter Block, when they were being generous. For the urban renewal crowd -- who seemed to believe the solution to rundown infrastructure was to turn it all into parking lots -- this was the poster child for their cause. A low-rent rooming house in its residential floors, during the 70s the commercial portions of the building housed -- besides Jerry's Giant Subs -- a barbershop, a bar in the basement called The Swinging Tiger (previously The Top Hat), and a "coffeehouse" called The Last Sane Day, which drew the repeated attention of the local police because of its provocative initials. Potter Block is now the parking lot at the northeast corner of Bloomingdale Avenue and Broadway.

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:Jerry's Giant Subs, Last Sane Day, Potter Block, Saranac Lake, Swinging Tiger, Top Hat

Potter Block (1975)